MOI/ Lover, fighter, tiger.


STORY/ Yo. Thanks for dropping in. I thought I’d do something different and instead of bragging about my design, photography and writing stuff, I thought I’d give you an insight into how I roll. I’ve never been one to follow Chinese Zodiac anything, but that doesn’t mean I’m not fascinated by it...

I’m a Tiger.

I always knew that but didn‘t know what that really meant. Till now. Thanks to Tricia* - Life is a chain of friendships. Let me be just one link. - from Tauranga. I know now... Without going into too much detail, it means I’m a kind soul with an adventurous spirit. I’m a born leader, courageous, fiercely competitive, and never afraid to fight. I loathe being caged. I rarely get tired and I’m rich in emotions (yaaa think!?). Although I’m sometimes a handful to control, no matter how many difficulties, challenges, obstacles or fails I’ll face - I will never, ever, give up. I’m straight forward, swear too much, and I don’t wait around. I work hard and go after what I want.

There’ s more but I’ll stop now, cause the next part talks about marriage (yeah, nah). And that “swear too much” part wasn’t in the Zodiac, I just added it. Cause I do.

I love to create stuff. I will always go Raw over refined. Risky over safety. Unprocessed over processed. Real over superficial. Untouched over retouched. Prestigious over pretentious. And Authentic over fake. I’d rather be different than be the best. I bleed passion and potential.

I’m attracted to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers. Edgy, honest, funny and fearless people who refuse to be mediocre, ordinary, or just settle for good enough. People who get knocked down seven times, and get up eight. People who know the difference between living in the NOW - not the yesterdays, and not the tomorrows. The fucking NOW.

I like you.

*Tricia, yes that’s her real name, “linked” into my life in the most bizarre circumstances. That’s a whole other story on its own. She’s living proof of a worldly spirit, a calm soul who despite the adversity, is still strong enough and humble enough to reach out. Tricia was my inspiration for those words above.
Thank. You. Tricia.


Find your happy. And when you find it, never let it go.
Joe / 13 May 2019


Joe/ Storyteller
Service/ Wordsmith

Brief/ Type about yourself for your “About” yourself page. Don’t hide. Don’t bullshit. Don’t swear too much. Keep it on point. And real as fuck. The End.
Target Market/ Authentic people, passionate people, potential clients, Tricia, ese, my mum.
Purpose/ To know me before you meet me.
Result/ Well, if you hire me off this “About” page alone, I’d say it’s a good result. If you don’t, it’s a good result. I have a wonderful business in a wonderful way…I give wonderful service for wonderful pay.


Joe Florian Design/ ABOUT
CHAT TXT/ NZ +64 027 432 4841 | AU +61 0423 702 663