work/ advertising design copywriting photography time-lapse


Supersite Time-Lapse

Brief/ supersite me.

STORY/ When you fly into the Gold Coast, and your destination is Surfers Paradise, you need to drive along the Gold Coast Highway. Along the way, you’re bombarded with thousands of advertising messages demanding your tired and travel-weary attention. Advertising wants you to engage and make millisecond decisions. You just want to be left alone.

Some advertising is big. Some small. And some Supersite.

This Supersite was part of a larger budget of a multi-pronged advertising investment, which included bus wraps, a week of radio spots, digital, social, food bloggers, influencers, tourism partners, entertainment, print editorial, print advertising, print, merch and local promotions including the famous Surfers Paradise Meter Maids. Basically, it was all off-the-charts stuff.

The idea was, “Hurricanes is Coming to Surfers” and we want to shout-it-out to the the world (or something like that).



Joe/ Ideas. Art Director. Designer. Copywriter. Photographer.
Service/ Think of a concept, then write some, short, snappy copy. I selected an image of “Hurricane Emma” (from a previous shoot at Hurricane’s Bondi). Showed the ideas to the client. Got it signed off and then I put it all together. Uploaded the supersite file. Time to party.

Brief/  Design OOH Advertising for a high-exposure, roadside supersite billboard advertising the arrival and opening of the Hurricane’s Grill brand in Surfers Paradise. The supersite needs to connect with people using a combination of aweseome visual creative that is engaging, eye-catching, simple, easy, compelling and contextually relevant to absorb - in less than 5secs.
Target Market/ People driving the Northbound Gold Coast Highway.
Purpose/ Engage audiences at scale. Brand advertising. Brand awareness. Word of mouth marketing. Promotion of Queenslands first Hurricanes.
Result/ Unknown…but Hurricane’s Surfers Paradise today (as of May 2019), continues to benefit from a strong 24yr long brand history in NSW, and an excellent reputation appealing to tourists, business, families, locals and pesky pigeons. Business is robust and repeat.

In short, it’s busy af.

Photography © Joe Florian


Joe Florian Design/ OOH ADVERTISING
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